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MED: Mouse Gene Essentiality Database

Search for gene essentiality by Ids

Ensembl ID
Uniprot ID

Enter gene ids one per line.
To search for gene essentialities by MGI IDs, enter "MGI:" with MGI in uppercase letters before the numbers.
To search for gene essentialities by Ensembl IDs, enter ENSMUSG in uppercase letters before the numbers.
Ensembl transcript IDs are not accepted for searching for gene essentialities.
To search for essentiality of the gene with MGI:1913435, select the MGI ID option; then, enter "MGI:1913435" in the search box and click "Search" button.
To search for essentiality of the gene with ENSMUSG00000040720, select the Ensembl ID option; then, enter "ENSMUSG00000040720" in the search box and click "search" button.
To search for essentiality of the gene 1110037F02Rik, select the gene option; then, enter "1110037F02Rik" in the search box and click "Search" button.
To search for essentiality of the gene with protein ID E9PZY8, select the Uniprot ID option; then, enter "E9PZY8" in the search box and click "search" button.

Search for essentialities of the genes in a region of a chromosome

Chromosome name:
Chromosome Region start bp:
Chromosome Region end bp:

Tip: Enter chromosome name of the genes to search e.g. X. Then, enter the region start base pair number e.g. 70385877 and end base pair number e.g. 93156873. Click on "Search" button.
Chromosome names: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, X, Y.

Search for essentialities of all the genes on a chromosome

Chromosome name:

Search for essentialities of all the genes

All Lethal Genes
All Viable Genes
All Lethal and Viable Genes

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